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Today’s lowest temperature recorded in Sreemangal

Moulvibazar’s Sreemangal has experienced today’s lowest temperature at 9.7 degrees Celsius. This temperature was recorded at 9am on Tuesday.

Confirming the matter, Mujibur Rahman, meteorological officer of Sreemangal Meteorological Observatory, said, “The temperature in Sreemangal may decrease more in the next few days as rain is forecasted for January 18 and 19.

Due to cold wave, most of the people are not coming out without any emergency. For this, traders are suffering a lot as their business is not going well.

The weather bulletin highlighted the contrasting temperatures across the country, with Sreemangal witnessing the lowest, while Cox’s Bazar reported the highest at 24.5°C.

The northern regions are experiencing even harsher conditions, where the intense cold has significantly hampered daily activities. Vulnerable groups, particularly day laborers, children, and the elderly, are the most affected by the severe cold.

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