Poor Hospital Hygiene in Bangladesh: Patients concerned about appalling neglect

There is a growing tendency among middle-class patients in Bangladesh to avoid knocking on hospital doors, even in the case of any critical condition. The reasons they describe are not pleasant at all. Poor hygiene management in hospitals and care facilities, the horrible conditions of toilets, dirty floors, bad smell in

Covid-19: Experts say Bangladesh close to reaching herd immunity threshold

Even though Bangladesh logged 15,61,463 Covid-19 cases as of Friday, experts believe around 70 percent population of the country may have contracted the virus and developed natural antibodies. Some experts think that the country is close to reaching the herd immunity threshold while some others say a comprehensive serosurveillance report is

Frontier districts await Covid-19 ‘catastrophe’: Experts

Amid the growing Covid-19 cases, health experts fear that Bangladesh's frontier districts await a serious healthcare crisis as most hospitals and health complexes there are ill-equipped to cope with any worsening situation.They also voiced frustration as local administrations in different frontier districts are "buying time" in enforcing strict lockdowns and

Covid surge in Bangladesh: Experts for tightening grip with nighttime curfew

As Bangladesh is experiencing record-breaking Covid cases, experts think 'health emergency', 'nighttime curfew' and area-based lockdown can be the right measures to slow down the virus transmission.They think the 18-point directive issued by the government on Monday is not enough as the coronavirus situation is going from bad to worse