Banned but abundant, gillnets pose threat to Bangladesh’s river dolphins

The indiscriminate use of gillnets by fishers in Bangladesh has become a major threat to the two freshwater dolphin species found there: the Ganga River dolphin (Platanista gangetica) and the Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris). Both species, listed as threatened by the IUCN, the global wildlife conservation authority, are found in the

Popular eggplant comes with a side of lead in Bangladesh

Food safety in Bangladesh faces a serious threat from heavy metal contamination, according to recent studies, with one of the country’s most widely consumed vegetables, the eggplant, containing potentially cancer-causing amounts of lead, nickel and cadmium. Researchers attribute this to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by farmers, as well

Better management of shared waterways can benefit both Bangladesh and India

Although Bangladesh’s waterways carry tremendous economic and geostrategic significance for both Bangladesh and India, environmental management issues have rendered most of these routes useless. Bangladesh and India signed a protocol for using the waterways to carry goods in 1972. However, only three of the designated 11 routes are in regular use

Bangladeshi industries explore renewables as power crisis looms

An ongoing power crisis in Bangladesh – prompted by a gas shortage – is encouraging Bangladeshi industries to slowly transition to renewable energy sources such as solar power. Although Bangladesh marked 100% access to electricity for all people in March 2022, more than 50% of electricity is generated using natural gas.