Dhaka seeks proactive role of ASEAN

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has urged Indonesia and the ASEAN to play a proactive role to facilitate an early repatriation of the displaced Rohingya people currently sheltered in Bangladesh on humanitarian grounds.He reiterated that the problem was created by Myanmar and it has to be solved by Myanmar

Lawmakers, rights activists call for ensuring rights of domestic child help

Parliament members and civil society representatives at a dialogue on Monday called for coordinated efforts to ensure rights of domestic child helping hands.  Action for Social Development (ASD), a non-profit, organised the dialogue on "Rights and Protection of Domestic Child: Necessity of Law" at Parliament Members Club auditorium.  The speakers said government

CEC assures OECD countries’ envoys to hold inclusive

Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal on Sunday reiterated the commission’s commitment to hold an “inclusive and acceptable” national election fulfilling the expectation of all.  Heads of missions representing the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries had a “constructive meeting” with the CEC and discussed the preparations of the

Vested quarter conspiring to oust AL govt: PM

Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina on Monday warned that a vested quarter has been trying to oust her Awami League government despite its stellar success in putting the country on the road to development and prosperity. "Why do they want to thwart the Awami League government? What is

3 more Bangladeshi hajj pilgrims die in three days

Three more Bangladeshi hajj pilgrims have died in Saudi Arabia's Mecca in four days till Monday , according to Bangladesh Hajj Management Portal.  The deceased were Tapan Khandoker, 62, from Dhaka, Layla Aktar, 52, from Madaripur, and Md Khaybar Hossain, 55, from Rangpur.  Khaybar Hossain died on Sunday while Tapan and Layla