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Anti-Money Laundering workshop held in Kishoreganj

Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) organized training on prevention of money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism under the leadership of Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC for the officials of all scheduled banks of Kishoreganj District at a convention center in Kishoreganj recently, a press release said on Sunday. Presided over by Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, CAMLCO of Islami Bank, A F M Shahinul Islam, Executive Director & Deputy Head of BFIU addressed as chief guest. Mohammad Main Uddin and Md. Mosharrof Hossain, Joint Directors and Md. Tarikul Islam, Deputy Director of BFIU, Muhammad Golam Rabbani, Executive Vice President and Deputy CAMLCO and Shuaib Ahmed, Vice President of IBBPLC were present on the occasion.

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