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Seminar on LDC Graduation of Bangladesh held

A seminar entitled ÒLDC Graduation of Bangladesh: Challenges & Opportunities” was held on Monday  the 25th February 2024 Sunday at 11:00 am at BPGMEA conference room at Paltan Tower under the initiative of Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA). said a press release.


Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission Chairman (Senior Secretary) Mr. Ahmed Munirus Saleheen was present as the chief guest in the seminar. President of SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, former president of FBCCI and BPGMEA, Vice Chairman of Bengal Group of Industries and RTV Mr. Md. Jashim Uddin was present as special guest. Mr. Md. Amin Helaly, Senior Vice President of FBCCI was also present as a special guest.

The former member of Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission Dr. Mustafa Abid Khan presented Key Note Paper in the seminar. BPGMEA President Mr. Shamim Ahmed presided over the said seminar and delivered the welcome address. Mr. Mahmodul Hasan, Deputy Chief, Bangladesh Tariff Commission, Dr. Md. Houmyoun Kabir Khan, Director, Strategic Investment Unit, BIDA, Mr. Salim Ullah, Senior Assistant Secretary (Policy), Ministry of Industries, Ms Nargis Murshida, Joint Secretary (Export-1) Export Wing, Ministry of Commerce spoke as panellists. BPGMEA former President Mr. ASM Kamal Uddin, Mr Shahedul Islam Helal and representatives from other organization spoke in the open discussion.

Mr. K M Iqbal Hossain, Senior Vice President, BPGMEA delivered closing remarks. Experts in related fields, top leaders of various member organizations, important members BPGMEA participated in this seminar.

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