How to ease rising debt-service pressures in low-income nations

As 2024 starts, the good news is that there haven’t been any notable requests by a low-income country for comprehensive debt relief since Ghana’s, more than a year ago. Despite this, vulnerabilities remain, with high debt servicing costs a growing challenge for low-income countries. Financing pressures due to relatively high interest

Western hoolock gibbon conservation in Bangladesh urgently needs funding

Western hoolock gibbons (Hoolock hoolock), native to the forests of northeastern India, western Myanmar, and eastern Bangladesh, are among the world’s most threatened primates, listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. Previously, they were listed among the 25 most endangered primates, and Bangladesh’s gibbon population may be the most

Indigenous effort in Bangladesh helps reverse endangered fish’s slide to extinction

Lika Chakma, 37, sways she can still remember her childhood days when the springs in the Digholchari Hajachara area of eastern Bangladesh, where she grew up, flowed year-round. These perennial water bodies supported not only the lives and livelihoods of the communities in the region, but also diverse fish and

Rights coalition calls for Israel arms embargo to end Gaza carnage

A coalition of 16 leading human rights organizations issued a joint statement Wednesday calling on all nations to immediately stop sending weapons to both Israel and and Palestinian militants, warning that continued arms transfers risk exacerbating what’s already one of the worst humanitarian crises in modern history. The groups—including Save the

Accelerating climate finance in urban areas

Asia and the Pacific is home to 54 per cent of the world’s urban population, who are disproportionately vulnerable to the impacts of climate change (ESCAP, 2023; IPCC, 2022). Why then, do climate action projects in cities commonly face delays in implementation? Crucial new developments in mitigation and adaptation including: renewable