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The Orange policeman who fled to India

A shady policeman helped a shady business people to rip off the public but it exploded and he fled to India, Usually it doesn’t happen this way .Those who cheat the public are often in safe places due to their connections. However, once in a while the system needs to show that not all are thieves for their own good.

After the long phase of leasing company swindles the digital marketing companies have come to the fore.  Now people tend to avoid financial institutions so to ensure that public interest doesn’t die from the e-commerce sector and future scams are not avoided, actions are being taken in selected cases.

Three companies have come under scrutiny. The big fish E-Valy which is probably the biggest heister but is also in the safest as his connections are clearly in the upper layer. Dhamaka is a smaller player and not part of the inner circle as he followed the simpler principle of looting and running away. This is the established and tested model and many rip off artists do the same including the fabled Haldar who looted aTnd ran away to Canada.

Orange is certainly an upstart as it has no connections that matter and its owners are now in jail.  This rarely happens unless one is also politically connected to the Opposition but we don’t know that. Going to jail just for stealing people’s money rarely happens in Bangladesh.  

The interesting part of this scam is that a major insider was a policeman called Rana who is at the Inspector level, a pretty low one.  He is almost on the fringe when we have DIGs inside. It’s a shame that such a person was considered important enough to be part of a large scam. It becomes obvious why Orange fluffed and is now in serious trouble. They were outsiders and paid the price not knowing any big fish. The network of crony capitalism has class distinctions.

To add spice to the show, it has been learnt that Rana has run away to India. Now that is natural and common. India has served as a sanctuary for people seeking relief right from when it became India. In 1971, it became a major sanctuary that saved millions of lives. However, criminals have found shelter and security there too. Some have been returned and faced trial and punishment including hanging.

Rana apparently has been apprehended which shows that this cop has no class and when so many people have built up empires there which make money here quite safely, Orange is an insult to connection capitalism.  Such connections are useless and bring problems as the Orange owners are finding out now.

It’s best to be part of the system and at a level which matters and not just to riff-raffs. It’s also a system and only  high class criminals can succeed and that’s why it’s best to abide by the rules when planning to rob  people safely.

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