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Firing from Myanmar jets sparks fear in Bangladesh border

Within days of firing mortar shells, fighter jets of Myanmar army have fired bullets towards Bangladesh this time, which have created panic among people living at the border.

According to Dil Mohammad Alam, a local union parishad member of Tombru area under Naikhongchhari’s Ghumdhum union, Myanmar fighter jets fired 10-15 bullets between border pillar number 34 and 35 on Friday at about 10:45pm.

“Besides firing, sporadic sounds of explosions were also heard throughout the day,” Dil Mohammad told UNB.

Amir Hamza, a local trader, said that although sounds of firing bullets and mortar shells between other pillars of Naikhongchhari remained suspended for the time being, this hasn’t been the case for pillar number 34 and 35.

“It seems like the latest round of firing is taking a permanent shape with the passing of time. All of us living in this part of the border are fearing for our lives as the intermittent sound of firing isn’t showing any sign of stopping,” Amir said.

According to sources, the locals also heard the sounds of a total of four explosions at 8:00am, 5:10pm, 5:28pm and 6:00pm.

Myanmar security forces earlier on September 3 orchestrated a series of fierce attacks from fighter planes and helicopters inside Bangladesh border in Bandarban. Shells and gunshots were fired from warplanes and helicopters in the Ghumdhum area.

Police and locals said that two warplanes and helicopters patrolled across the Myanmar border between BGB-BOP border pillars no 40-41 in Ghumdhum’s Tumbru area.

At that time around 8-10 shells were fired from the warplanes, and two of them landed 120 metres inside Bangladesh.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Myanmar Ambassador to Bangladesh Aung Kyaw Moe several times and lodged strong protest, while Myanmar claimed this was done by the Arakan Army now fighting against its military.

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