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Nation set to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow

The nation is set to celebrate the 55th Independence and National Day on Wednesday with elaborate programmes and due respect.

In the early hours of March 26, 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman declared Bangladesh’s independence following the crackdown on unarmed Bangalees on the midnight of March 25 by the Pakistani occupation forces.

After the nine-month War of Liberation with the supreme sacrifices of three million people and at the cost of chastity of two lakh women, Bangladesh achieved its cherished independence on December 16, 1971.

The day is a public holiday.

The interim government has taken up elaborate programmes at the national level to celebrate the Independence and National Day.

The day will begin with a 31-gun salute in the morning across the country including in Dhaka, said a press release of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs on Monday.

President Md. Shahabuddin and Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus will lay wreaths early in the morning to pay profound respect to the memories of the martyrs of 1971.

Later the families of the Birsreshtha, war-wounded freedom fighters, and brave freedom fighters led by Liberation War Affairs adviser, will also lay wreaths.

People from all walks of life including foreign diplomats, political leaders, and representatives from social, cultural, and professional bodies will lay wreaths at the National Memorial.

Besides, wreaths will be laid at district and upazila memorials across the country.

National flag will be hoisted, and the national anthem will be performed at all divisions, districts, and upazilas. Student rallies and parades will also take place.

On this day, the national flag will be hoisted atop all government, semi-government, autonomous, and private buildings.

In Dhaka, the national flag will be hoisted atop prominent buildings and the important establishments will be illuminated.

However, lighting will not be permitted on the black night of genocide on 25th March.

Main roads and traffic islands in Dhaka and other cities will be decorated with national flag and other flags.

President Md. Shahabuddin and Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus have issued separate messages on the occasion.

National dailies will bring out special supplements while Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television, private radio stations and television channels will air special programmes highlighting the significance of the day.

Different political parties as well as socio-cultural and professional organisations have drawn elaborate programmes to observe the day in a befitting manner.

In his message, the president said on March 26, 1971, through the Declaration of Independence, an independent and sovereign Bangladesh was born. The final victory was achieved through a nine-month-long armed War of Independence.

Recalling with deep respect the millions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the liberation war, the president said “To achieve the desired goal of independence, democracy must be strengthened and forbearance, human rights and the rule of law have to be consolidated. Equity, transparency and accountability must be ensured in all spheres of the state and society. The young generation once again shed their blood in the July mass uprising to realise our unfulfilled dreams of independence. Building a safe, happy, beautiful, developed and prosperous Bangladesh for the new generation is now our sacred duty.”

He also urged all to contribute more from their respective positions to build a society free from all forms of discrimination and exploitation in realising the goal of independence and steer the country and the nation forward on the path of development and prosperity.

In his message, Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus said “I extend my sincere greetings and congratulations to all Bangladeshis living in the country and abroad.”

Achieving independence was the final stage of a long struggle to protect our dignity and existence and to gain our rights. The bloody War of Independence, through which Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in the world, officially began on this day. I remember with reverence the valiant martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the War of Independence, whose supreme sacrifices brought us our desired freedom, he said.

“For the past 16 years, the people of the country have not been able to enjoy the benefits of this freedom. The dictatorship oppressed the people and took away their freedom and all their basic rights. The successful uprising of student-workers and the masses has liberated the people of the country from the tyranny of dictatorship,” said the message

The interim government is fully committed to further developing and strengthening the country and delivering the full benefits of independence to the people. “We are working to establish good governance and justice to ensure people-orientated and sustainable development, and ensure transparency and accountability through necessary reforms in all spheres of the state.”

He also urged all to take the oath to work for the development, peace and prosperity of the country, keeping in mind the spirit of the great liberation war.

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