Quader urges BNP to join fields of polls, politics

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today urged the leaders of BNP to participate in the fields of elections and politics.   “The game will be played in the political field. It (game) will be played especially in the field of elections. So, I urge BNP to come to the

Politics in Pakistan: The Captain’s Crisis!

 “O, Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring….” Walt Whitman These days there is nary a dull moment in

Can Pakistan’s economic prioritization be realized?

South Asian leaders are slowly learning to accept the fact that the world has shifted from politics to economics and thus policies need a mind shift. The smaller non militarized South Asian states like Bangladesh, Nepal, etc are already rapidly moving towards that goal but all suffer from internal management

Politics in Bangladesh is too polarized: Quader

Obaidul Quader, the general secretary of Bangladesh Awami League Monday said that the country's politics has become "so polarized and divisive" that major political parties fail to reach any understanding on common national issues like corona pandemic. "From our party we have tried to establish a workable co-existence with the BNP.

Covid and the questions about political democracy

In a society like ours where people are ready to overlook health hazards in the pursuit of economics, it’s difficult to get them excited about purely political issues like democracy, elections etc.  One faces the paradox of politics versus economics as society begins to surge towards greater better economics.  The

Sexuality and politics in the time of corona

The Hefazat leader who was found at an expensive resort with a woman who many are saying is/isn’t his wife is the biggest news in town. PM Sk. Hasina and other leaders have gone public saying that the lady in question is not his wife. Hefazat meanwhile has declared his