BRAC Bank holds meeting with Munda community in Sundarbans

BRAC Bank has organized an ‘UthanBoithak’, a knowledge-sharing engagement, for Munda people, an ethnic population living on the fringes of the Sundarbans, a press release said Sunday. The Munda community is detached from any formal banking or financial services. Field officers of Koyra agent banking outlet of Khulna disseminated information about opening

Study on state of wildlife habitat completed

The government has completed a feasibility study recently to determine the current state of habitat connectivity through camera trapping, ensuring possible wildlife corridors. The Wildlife Compensation Rules, 2021 have been formulated to resolve the confrontation between wildlife and human beings. Md Shahab Uddin, minister for the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate

Popular places of interest in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the most beautiful in terms of natural beauty. There are different places of interest in different districts of this country. Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists gather every year to see its beauty. For the convenience of the tourists of Bangladesh, there are various tour packages

Sundarbans Tourism: Focus on automation to improve services

The government will launch a pilot project in December next, aiming to bring tourism management in the Sundarbans under automation with a smart app. Using the app, 'Sundarbans', one can get all the travel formalities done sitting at home. This will not only save the time of travellers but also ensure

Our forests are our life

We raise the subject again. A concerted programme of deforestation, like the other unwholesome activities gradually taking the shape of the usual in Bangladesh, in the costume of afforestation was last being carried out in the country’s Madhupur regional forest, popularly known as Sal forest. The illegal and blanket felling

Protect ecology of Sundarbans

The Sundarbans is the world’s largest tidal forest adjoining to the Bay of Bengal. It is our important national resource, a reservoir of endless natural resources, and a habitat of innumerable plants and animals. However, many adverse changes have been noticed in the Sundarbans for quite a long time. The