Our forests are our life

We raise the subject again. A concerted programme of deforestation, like the other unwholesome activities gradually taking the shape of the usual in Bangladesh, in the costume of afforestation was last being carried out in the country’s Madhupur regional forest, popularly known as Sal forest. The illegal and blanket felling

Take necessary measures against dengue

Monsoon, as a season, is normally synonymous with passion; and for this reason, this season has been praised by our classical literature as a time for longing and companionship, especially among young lovers. However, the season has now become synonymous with terror in Bangladesh, especially in the urban areas because,

India’s Taliban problem

India had waited as wished by the US –its principal ally  - before making a move in Afghanistan when Russia, China and of course helpless Pakistan were getting knee deep. Now that the US is departing in a disorderly manner none are exactly keen to stand by Ghani’s government. Current Afghan